We went to see the high risk doctor and pediatric cardiologist today. Due to confusion about when the cardiologist was going to be at the location I usually go to, I was scheduled downtown and was seeing a different high risk doctor, who I know, but not as well as the one I usually go to. I was expecting to be there about 3 hours, since the appointment was a 12:00, I was seeing two doctors and I know they have a lot of patients to see. When I got there, they told me there was a scheduling change and I was seeing another high risk doctor, who is one of my favorites and who hugged me and called me "Ang". The nurse, who is very sweet, also remembered me from the MED, where I used to deliver babies. It turned out that a couple of people did not show up for their appointments, so they seemed to actually be waiting for me. Once they started looking at the heart, they called the pediatric cardiologist in to give his assessment. Well, they did not see the VSD (hole in the heart)! They said that either it was never there to begin with (although it was there in 2 other scans and I saw it when they showed it to me), had closed, or was so small that they couldn't see it. If it is still there and just was too small to be seen, the cardiologist assured us that nothing would need to be done about it anyways, just monitoring it after he is born!
We are thrilled to say the least. I still have an increased amount of amniotic fluid, but it has not worsened, so that is good news as well. We are so very thankful for all the prayers and kind words and believe this is a direct answer to prayer.
We also have a name. Asher (meaning happy or blessed and also was from the same tribe as Anna) Samuel (God heard).
1 Samuel 1:27 "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him."