Friday, December 25, 2015

Three stockings

This holiday season, there is a lot we are thankful for.  Mostly the outpouring of love shown to us because of the birth of our son.
I am thankful for:
My husband, who is such a loving, patient father to our children.
Addison, who has again shown what a great big sister she is.  She is sweet, sensitive and kind.
Anna Kate, who has risen to the occasion of being a big sister.  She has endured countless doctor's appointments and therapy sessions, where her brother got all the attention, with patience, maturity and grace.
My parents who have gone above and beyond in helping us care for our children.  They have kept the girls when we had to take Asher our of town for a doctors visit, keep my kids while I work, met me to do "drive by" drop offs when I am running late coming from work to make appointments, dropped everything to pick up Addison from school so that I could take Asher to a medical test they worked him in for because it needed to be rescheduled, and many more things that would take to long to write.
In laws who always send special packages for my children, watch our children when they visit, and give special attention to each of our kids.
Therapist who love my son, and get excited when he masters milestones.
Countless prayers on our behalf and words of encouragement from family and friends.
Friends who have watched my children while we go to medical appointments, even picking Anna Kate up in a wagon so that I would not have to pack the kids in the car!
Multiple delicious meals that were brought to our house.
Boxes and boxes of hand me downs for our sweet baby to wear.
A high chair given to us with love.
Hand me downs with Asher on them!
Most of all, I am thankful that I have three stockings to hang by the fireplace.

But as we all know, it is not about the stocking, but about what is inside the stocking.

Merry Christmas!

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